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Graphic Design

Grafik Tasarımı Programı Amaç:- Graphic Design Program Purpose:

Graphic design elements have a very important place in daily life. It is the determining discipline in the organization of the presentation and visual materials of all kinds of advertising and promotional activities, especially culture, arts and social activities. 

Nowadays, while competition is increasing, businesses need to make different designs visually. 

Therefore, the need for graphic designer is increasing day by day. Based on this need, with the use of technological programs, the company will be able to perform applications related to corporate identity designs of a company such as logos, posters, business cards, brochures, which have an accumulation of knowledge, in the advertising and graphic departments of companies, advertising agencies, photo studios, newspapers and magazines, printing houses, media. 

In the sector, graphic design studios, public and private sector organizations that have an introductory unit, also want to meet the need of graphic designers who can work as a design designer in textile fields thanks to their knowledge of printing and colour with the "Graphic Design Program".